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This FlexSim simulation shows the effect that different levels of unplanned readmissions have on the elective patients and any subsequent queues.
– We are not modelling the actual interventions
– – – we assume interventions result in a change in number of unplanned readmissions.
– We’re modelling the throughput/queueing of Electives
– – – influenced by the change in unplanned readmissions
- Very simple model
- 50 beds
- Non-electives – 227/month (5 days)Electives – 120/month (2.5 days)
- Unplanned readmissions – various (5 days)
- Electives get the lower priority over the others
We only looked at throughput and queues, so we didn’t look at:
- Time of day/week of arrivals
- Variability of arrivals or stay
- Layout of ward and its location within the hospital
- Staffing levels or scheduling
- Electives getting giving up and going elsewhere
- Acuity of Electives changing & becoming Non-Electives
- Fixed/variable costs and other resource constraints
- Or the actual interventions
- We’re modelling the effect here, not the action
- . . . . . but we can.