TMN Simulation

We serve the best work

Phosfluo rescently engage worldwide methodologies with web-enabled technologyi nteractively.
Phosfluo rescently engage worldwide methodologies with web-enabled technologyi nteractively.
Phosfluo rescently engage worldwide methodologies with web-enabled technologyi nteractively.
Phosfluo rescently engage worldwide methodologies with web-enabled technologyi nteractively.
Phosfluo rescently engage worldwide methodologies with web-enabled technologyi nteractively.
Phosfluo rescently engage worldwide methodologies with web-enabled technologyi nteractively.

Successfully completed projects for our customers.

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Lessons from a massive model.

One question that’s always asked is how big can a FlexSim model get to.
This article helps answer that.

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Royal Children’s Hospital Migration

Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) is building a new hospital, and needs to migrate between 150 to 200 young patients from the old 8-floor building to the new one, with wards on 6 floors.
The complex simulation model had over 400 bed positions, 6 CAD drawings, over 1000 network points, and 21 elevators. Data tables controlled staff and patient numbers, and the migration routing and schedule.
Experimentation and analysis was carried out in-house.

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Design of Breast Screen Clinic

The David Jones Breast Screening facility is a collaboration between David Jones (Melbourne), The Rose Clinic, and St Vincent’s Hospital. Simulation modelling was used to look at how the facility might cope with demand, and how best to set out the layout of the facility.


Simulated Hospital Unplanned Readmissions

This FlexSim simulation shows the effect that different levels of unplanned readmissions have on the elective patients and any subsequent queues.

It also highlights how simulation modelling can model and understand the implications of an activity or intervention without having to model the actual activity.


Pit to Port – concept model

A quick-build Pit To Port model using FlexSim. The model takes 3 minutes to build and 2 minutes to experiment with to find the best number of trucks to use.
The concept is very simple but the complexity is in the data and rules layers that we overlay.

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It’s incredible. it’s really wonderful. bcom has completely surpassed our expect. Urna porttitor rhoncus dolor purus non enim praesent at the facilisis lectus. Adipiscing tristique risus feugiat fermentum.

Theresa Webb
Web Developer

It’s incredible. it’s really wonderful. bcom has completely surpassed our expect. Urna porttitor rhoncus dolor purus non enim praesent at the facilisis lectus. Adipiscing tristique risus feugiat fermentum.

Arlene McCoy
UX Designer

It’s incredible. it’s really wonderful. bcom has completely surpassed our expect. Urna porttitor rhoncus dolor purus non enim praesent at the facilisis lectus. Adipiscing tristique risus feugiat fermentum.

Esther Howard
Product Designer

It’s incredible. it’s really wonderful. bcom has completely surpassed our expect. Urna porttitor rhoncus dolor purus non enim praesent at the facilisis lectus. Adipiscing tristique risus feugiat fermentum.

Brooklyn Simmon
CEO, Bribbble LLC

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